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This page describes the Cardlink batch file format that PayWay Batch accepts. It details the payment file format (containing card details and amounts to charge), and the report file format.

File format

All files are plain text using the US-ASCII character encoding. Records are separated by the CR LF end-of-line marker.

Data types are listed as:

  • N - numeric 0-9 only
  • A - letters from the English alphabet
  • AN - letters or numbers (alphanumeric)
  • S - spaces only

Unless otherwise noted, N numeric fields are right-justified and padded with leading zeroes and AN alphanumeric fields are left-justified and padded with trailing spaces. Amounts are always expressed in cents, e.g. $125.94 is expressed as 00012594 (assuming the field has length of 8).

The payment file has the following general structure:

  • File header (one only per file)
  • Sale/ Refund transaction (one or more in each file)
  • File trailer (one only per file)

Payment file header

The file header must be the first record in the file.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Transaction Type 1 1 N Must be H to indicate file header.
2 Filler 2 1 S Space
3 Desired Settlement Date 3-10 8 N Date of desired settlement in YYYYMMDD format. This date can be 10 days in the past or the future.
4 Merchant ID 11-18 8 AN 8-digit merchant ID number allocated by Westpac. Use "TEST" for a test-only facility.
5 Filler 19 1 S Space
6 Merchant Name 20-41 22 AN Your company's trading name.
7 Value Flag 42 1 A Y - Normal sale transactions. Space - Preauth Mode - All sale transactions are converted to preauths. C - Clear Only Mode - All sale transactions are processed without further authorisation. Each transaction must have an Authorisation Code.
8 Filler 43-69 27 S Spaces

Payment file Sale / Refund transaction

Each file contains one or more sale or refund transactions.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Card Number 1-16 16 N Card number left justified with trailing spaces. Do not include dashes or spaces between the card number digits.
2 Filler 17 1 S Space
3 Card Expiry Date 18-21 4 N The card expiry date in MMYY format.
4 Filler 22 1 S Space
5 Transaction Amount 23-31 9 N Transaction amount in cents, right justified with zero padding. For example, $125.94 is expressed as 000012594. If you have enabled surcharges in the PayWay website, PayWay will add a surcharge to this amount. Using the above example, if you have a 1% surcharge, PayWay will add $1.26 to the transaction amount.
6 Amount Sign 32 1 A Space - Sale, Minus - - Refund
7 Transaction Source 33 1 A M - Mail order, T - Telephone order, E - eCommerce transaction, R - Recurring transaction.
8 Filler 34 1 S Space
9 Authorisation Code 35-40 6 AN If capturing a previous pre-auth transaction, this is the 6 character authorisation code from that pre-auth transaction. Otherwise, leave blank.
10 Filler 41-49 9 S Spaces
11 Merchant Reference Number 50-69 20 AN Your reference number for this transaction. Populate this field with your systems identifier for this transaction to allow tracing.
12 Filler 70-74 5 S Spaces

Payment file trailer

The file trailer record must be the last record in the file.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Transaction Type 1 1 N Must be T to indicate file trailer.
2 Filler 2 1 S Space
3 Transaction Count 3-8 6 N Total number of transactions in the file.
4 Filler 9-55 47 S Spaces

Result file

The result file is a ZIP that contains two files:

  • DECLINE.DAT: Contains all the declined transactions from the original payment file
  • ALL.DAT: Contains all transactions from the payment file with the sequence preserved, and the transaction results inserted

Both of the files have the same structure as the payment file. Each file has the following general structure:

  • File header (one only per file)
  • Sale/ Refund transaction (one or more in each batch)
  • File trailer (one only per file)

Result file header

The file header must be the first record in the file.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Transaction Type 1 1 N Always H to indicate file header.
2 Filler 2 1 S Space
3 Facility Link ID (previously known as CDTF ID) 3-10 8 N Date from the payment file header.
4 Merchant ID 11-18 8 AN Merchant ID from the payment file header.
5 Filler 19 1 S Space
6 Merchant Name 20-41 22 AN Your companys trading name.
7 Value Flag 42 1 A Y - Normal sale transactions. Space - Preauth Mode - All sale transactions are converted to preauths. C - Clear Only Mode - All sale transactions are processed without further authorisation. Each transaction must have an Authorisation Code.
8 Filler 43-69 27 S Spaces

Result file Sale / Refund transaction

Each file contains one or more sale or refund transactions.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Masked Card Number 1-16 16 N Left justified with trailing spaces. The first 6 and last 3 digits will be present in the form:
2 Filler 17 1 S Space
3 Card Expiry Date 18-21 4 N The card expiry date in MMYY format.
4 Filler 22 1 S Space
5 Transaction Amount 23-31 9 N Transaction amount in cents, right justified with zero padding. For example, $125.94 is expressed as 000012594. If you have enabled surcharges in the PayWay website, this will be the amount before the surcharge was applied.
6 Amount Sign 32 1 A Space - Sale, Minus - - Refund
7 Transaction Source 33 1 A M - Mail order, T - Telephone order, E - eCommerce transaction, R - Recurring transaction
8 Filler 34 1 S Space
9 Authorisation Code or Decline Reason 35-49 15 AN If the transaction was approved, the 6-character authorisation code will appear here, left justified with trailing spaces. Otherwise, the decline reason will appear, e.g. INV CARD NUMBER, EXPIRED CARD, DECLINED
10 Merchant Reference Number 50-69 20 AN Your reference number from the payment file.
11 Filler 70-74 5 S Spaces

Result file trailer

The file trailer record must be the last record in the file.

No Field Name Position Length Data Type Description
1 Transaction Type 1 1 N Always T to indicate file trailer.
2 Filler 2 1 S Space
3 Transaction Count 3-8 6 N Total number of transactions in the file.
4 Filler 9 1 S Space
5 Value Submitted 10-20 11 N Total value of the payment file in cents.
6 Filler 21 1 S Space
7 Legend 22-43 22 A Always TOTAL VALUE CREATED IS
8 Value Created 44-54 11 N Total value of approved transactions from the payment file in cents.

The information contained in this publication is provided for learning purposes only and is subject to change. Revisions may be issued from time to time that encompass changes or additions to this module.

This is a guide only and it is not comprehensive. It does not impinge on or overrule any formal arrangement you may enter into with the Bank. The Bank and its officers shall not have any liability for any losses of any kind incurred in connection with any action, inaction or decision taken in reliance on the information herein or for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. In this publication references to the "Bank" are to Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 and to any of its operating Divisions, including BankSA and St.George.